Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Getting Started

As I look around at my life, I see so many changes that I want to make.  So many that real change seems almost impossible.  But I know something about lasting change--it doesn't usually happen in one fell swoop.  It is usually the product of lots of small changes over a period of time.

It is this kind of thinking that I've observed as I've read the blog over at ASlob Comes Clean.  Reading Nony the Slob's blog has inspired me to start a blog of my own.  Her philosophy in starting her blog was that the blog would help her to have accountability in her "deslobification" process.  I am adopting this philosophy here.  The philosophy of accountability.

So.  What kind of changes am I interested in making?  Many.  So, so many.  The changes that I am interested in making will be revealed--sometimes one-at-a-time.  Sometimes all-at-once.  But, they will be revealed.

I must also say that I know that none of these changes will be made on my own.  They will only be made as I submit to the True Authority in my life.  The authority of Jesus Christ, in whom I can do all things (Phil. 4:13).


  1. Congrats on starting a blog! You are off to a great start! and you are in good company . . . there are many great bloggers out there! :)

    I have been blogging about setting and accomplishing goals during the month of January. Toook a break to blog about some family fun! Hope to get back to it. Check out my last blog post on goals and what hinders us from doing what we set out to do:

  2. Congrats on starting your blog. I enjoy blogging though the last six months I have not been as active. I look forward to reading your posts. Many blessings.
