Thursday, February 2, 2012

One Brick at a Time

Proverbs 14:1 says that "The wise woman builds her house, but the foolish one pulls it down with her own hands".  Today this verse is making me think about Popeye. Popeye?  Really?  Yes, really.  I'll explain. . .

Bitty Boo has been watching Popeye a lot lately.  There's this episode where he builds a house that gets eaten by termites.  The whole thing is gone in a matter of seconds.  In the end, he builds it back with all steel, and the termites go away.


This morning I had a situation that made me think of these two things at the same time--Proverbs 14:1 and Popeye.  Yup.  That's how my brain works.  My precious little Bitty Boo decided it would be a good idea to yell to me from the living room that she was hungry.  She didn't ask for food, or ask for anything really.  She just yelled very loudly.  Demanded is probably a better word for what she did.

This was not accepted very well by this mama.  I could feel the gall rise up in my chest.  The nerve of this child!  Who did she think she was?!?

I got up from where I was sitting, fuming.  Ready to give her a piece of my mind--when I remembered that I am desiring to effect change.  Not only in myself, but also for those around me.  I am desiring to build my house, not tear it down with my own hands.  So, by the power of the Holy Spirit, I was able to speak kindly, yet firmly to this child about what is and is not acceptable when we are in need of help.

Was this accepted with a beautiful smile, a hug, and a "Thank you, dearest mother, for helping me to see the error of my ways"?  No.  Of course it wasn't.  The reality is that she covered her ears, turned her face away, and started crying rather loudly.

The miracle that happened was that I was able to let her have her little fit, while I walked away and waited for her to ask nicely for something to eat.  One small change.  One brick set on the wall instead of ten torn down. 

I wonder what Popeye would think of my progress. . .  ; )